Mick's Irish Pub Has Arrived

Mick's interior taking shape prior to it's opening
Mick's interior taking shape prior to it's opening

Plunkett’s Bistro had a great run and made many regulars, however, on Friday, November 14, 2008, the era of Mick’s Irish Pub begins.

“We had been thinking of change for the last couple of years, but needed the right idea and timing,” explains Kyle Plunkett, co-owner of Mick’s.

Kyle and his brother Taylor, under the tutelage of their parents Michael and Karen who are highly respected in the region’s hospitality industry, are leaning on their experiences abroad to build the atmosphere they want.

“I have recently moved back from Ireland and the UK, after spending the last four years working and completing my bachelor of laws” explains Kyle. “I had the opportunity to experience first hand the true ‘pub culture’. I began dialogue with my younger brother, who will be moving back from France next month, about the concept of bringing an urban Dublin pub to Windsor.”

Fortunately timing was also on the Plunkett’s side. With the recent closing of Downtown Windsor’s only Irish pub, Patrick O’Ryans, they set things in motion pretty quick to fill the void.

“We feel we are filling a void in the City Centre,” says Kyle. “Let’s face it; it is always a bonus to have a vibrant Irish Pub in any downtown community.”

The brothers also thank their parents, Karen and Michael, for all the knowledge they have shared.

“Our parents expertise has been priceless. There is no replacing the influence and expertise our parents bring to the table. In fact, there is no way we could have the confidence and understanding we have today about what is takes to run a business of this nature without them.”

They are also very please at the ability to hold onto general manager Stacie Stevens, a veteran in Windsor’s hospitality industry.

The Plunkett’s want people to know that they can expect the same level of service and consistency that Plunkett’s Bistro offered.

“Plunketts is giving way to a more youthful and charismatic establishment” says Kyle. “We are hoping to bring some calculated energy to the downtown hospitality community! We are going to do our best to bring a taste of modern day Dublin to Windsor, Ontario.”

Mick’s Irish Pub will have live Celtic music Fridays and Saturdays, as well as Indie music Wednesdays and Thursdays. They will also offer a comfortable dining period Wednesdays to Saturdays.

“And of course, we will try to bring the ‘Craic’ to Windsor!”

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