TVO: Agenda Camp & WindsorEats

The Agenda with Steve Paiken
The Agenda with Steve Paiken

TVO was in town this weekend to discuss the economic state of our city and, with my passion and dedication to turning this city to become the best it can be, I attended. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Due to our volunteering at the Detroit Marathon, which passes through Windsor, Jill and I showed up just a tad late.

The Agenda Camp was phenomenal, with ideas flowing back and forth between all the participants and in all the different forums. Andrew, Jill and I were lucky enough to have Steve Paikin, the star of TVO’s The Agenda and the most recent moderator of Canada’s Prime Minister Debate, sit at our table for four at lunch. He was an incredible person, interested in learning all he could about each of us. As those who know me can attest to, I just say whatever is on my mind. Our conversation was about everything from what I do for a living, which he then went on his Blackberry and surfed through WindsorEats, to how a local news anchor ‘stumbled’ into our booth at Festival Epicure yelling”Sweet potato fries!”

However, what Steve did at the end of the Agenda Camp absolutely blew my mind. He stood up in front of the crowd and mentioned how he was blown away by how, years ago, I couldn’t find a job and just told myself “to heck with it, I’m creating my own job.” He then went on to encourage everyone, more than once, to visit because it was an excellent web site.

Check out The Agenda tonight at 8:00pm on TVO as it is being broadcast live from the Art Gallery of Windsor. I also encourage you to participate in the online Wiki formed from all the discussions that took place yesterday.

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