Mamo Bistro Closing It's Doors

Sadly, another great Windsor restaurant is closing it’s doors for good.  Mamo Bistro owner, Ryan Odette, had this to say:

Thank you for being what we’ve always considered this area’s finest customers. Mamo Bistro’s four plus years in Olde Riverside, met, but in many cases, exceeded our expectations. That being said, w’re moving on to new, and bigger things. We’ll definitely miss this little place, and all the wonderful people that made it never feel like work, but more a labour of love.

On August 23rd, 2008, Mamo Bistro will serve its last entree, and the doors will close and lock one last time. We hope that you’ll come in and join us for dinner sometime between now and then, so that we get a chance to thank each of you personally.


Ryan, Tina, and Duane

However, not everything about this is bad news. In September, Ryan will be opening a new Southern Barbeque restaurant in the recently closed BIN 151 location.

Over the last few years Ryan, Tina and Duane have been travelling through the south eating, working and learning all they can about Barbeque. They are excited about introducing this style of food that they love so much to Windsorites. Mamo will be open from now until August 23, 2008, still serving Mamo’s unique brand of cuisine and service.

Stay tuned to as we will be bringing you more information about Ryan’s new venture.

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