Blog Meet Up at the Gourmet Emporium

Each month a group of us local bloggers meet up for a chat and a few drinks. We try to rotate to different local businesses and this month we ended up at the Gourmet Emporium.

Adriano about to dig in to his Pollo Pancetta

Adriano and I were quite hungry by the time we got there so we immediately asked for a menu. I ordered the Beef Bourbon Tips and the Honey Shrimp and Adriano ordered Pollo Pancetta. I’d show you a picture of the bourbon tips but it was the first thing to come out so I pretty much devoured it, forgetting to take a photo. But look at that honey shrimp!

Honey Shrimp
Honey Shrimp

Lately I’ve become a regular at the Gourmet Emporium. It’s a great place to just chill, have a drink or a bite to eat off their tapas style menu. They’ve got great big comfy couches and a whole bunch of cookbooks that I love looking through.

Each Sunday they have movie night and there’s always live entertainment on the weekends. The Gourmet lies in the heart of Olde Walkerville and it really is a great addition to that neighbourhood. The building itself is quite phenomal. It is the old Merchants Bank (Bank of Montreal) built in 1913 by the firm Hogle & Davis, Montreal. (Here’s a great story about the bank robbery of 1959 from the Walkerville Times). They still have the door to the large walk in safe that used to be part of the bank.

Not sure where we’ll end up next month for our blogger meet up but if you live in the area, have a blog and would like to join us, leave a message in the comments and I’ll send the info.

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