3 words for you….

Salty. Spice. Squid.

After a one year hiatus from Festival Epicure, Teka was back with the infamous dish. I did manage to restrain myself this year and only ate one order a day…as opposed to the 2 (okay..maybe 3) orders a day I was having the last time Teka made an appearance.

Spicy Salt Squid
Paul from W.E. Speak; Spicy Salt Squid; Linda from Teka

But spicy squid wasn’t the only thing on the menu at Epicure. There were a few great items that were a great find for under $5! Bamboo was serving up a few “sliders” which were these fantastic mini pork hamburgers with melted cheese for only $2 each!

Bamboo Slider

Mastronardi was offering up their sangria, but this year offered a wine mojito. And of course, the ever popular WindsorEats crew made their way through the crowds and even had their picture taken a few times by admirers.

Carly, Ashley, Jillian, Kaitlyn rockin' it

Thanks and hugs to Domenic, Lila, Christian, Chris, Jessica, Ashley, Carly, Jillian, Kaitlyn, and Rochelle for helping us out this weekend!

We had a really great time this year and thanks to everyone who stopped by and introduced themselves! Stay tuned to the site as we’ll be announcing the winner of the Wii this week!

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