Christmas Cookie Challenge

It’s that time of year! Cookie making time! This year I thought it would be fun to have people share and submit their favourite recipes. It will be like our very own online cookie exchange!

All you have to do is just leave your recipe in the comments.

I have a few recipes that I normally make for around this time of the year. Last year I wrote about my mom’s cuccidata that she makes every year. She won’t share the recipe so instead I posted a recipe for peanut clusters that are sooooo quick and easy to make. (The recipe is at the bottom of this post).

Ma's Sicilian cuccidata

So post your favourite recipes in the comments section and let the baking begin! And if you’re on Facebook, look up WindsorEats and join in our online recipe exchange. There some great recipes on there including one for Fried Bananas in Rum..need I say more?

Chocolate Peanut Clusters
1 bag of chocolate chips
1 bag of peanut butter chips (you can also use any other kind here including butterscotch chips or any other kind of flavoured chocolate chip out there)
Unsalted peanuts (usually around 2 cups, give or take a little)

Put a pot with about a cup and a half of water to boil on the stove. Place a stainless steel bowl on top of the pot. This will act as a double boiler. Pour the chips into the bowl. As the water begins to heat up in the pot, the chips in the bowl will begin melting. Stir until all the chips have dissolved into the chocolatey loveliness then stir in the peanuts.

Once the peanuts have been incorporated into the chocolate, take a spoonful and drop it onto a baking sheet lined with waxed paper. Once you filled the sheet with drops of chocolate covered peanuts, set aside and let it cool.

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