Vivace Estate Winery

Vivace Estate Winery in Amherstburg, Ontario.

5141 Concession 5 North, Amherstburg, ON, N9V 0C8 ⋅ 519-997-2576

Vivace Estate Winery stands at the western gateway to Southwestern Ontario’s premier wine country in the historic town of Amherstburg, Ontario. A remarkable experience of vine to wine excellence.

The name Vivace (pronounced vee vah chay) comes from music term, meaning “lively,” is an indication to play in a very quick, unbeat tempo. We bring our love of wine and a passion for grape growing, with a focus on quality production. Our mature grape vines are enriched and enhanced by the area’s vinicultural climate producing outstanding VQA wines. Our staff hold strong technical wine knowledge, world-wide vintage exposure, great communications and sales expertise. Packaged all up, they deliver it to you with a blend of rural local charm. Whether your plans include a wine-tasting tour or a visit to our retail store, we welcome you to stop by our rustic elegant wine tasting room. We know that you will savour your experience at Vivace. Our professional winery team are waiting to pour you your first glass. We are just a short 30-minute scenic drive along the Detroit River south of Windsor and Detroit. Prepare to pair you spirit with wine and food.

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