Downtown Windsor, Ontario.

Opening Day For 2021 Downtown Windsor Farmers Market Announced

The Downtown Windsor Business Improvement Association (DWBIA) is thrilled to announce that the beloved Downtown Windsor Farmers’ Market (DWFM) will open on Saturday May 1, 2021, at 8am.

The Downtown Windsor Farmers’ Market celebrates its highly-anticipated sixth season on Pelissier Street and Maiden Lane. Home to over 40 produce, food and artisanal vendors, “the rain-or-shine event is forecasted to not only be a welcome gateway to the spring and summer season,” says Market Manager Steve Green, “but also serves as a sign of hope and recovery. This means that vendors and entrepreneurs will have a space to work, while visitors and residents will again have access to locally grown, farm fresh products.”

Downtown Windsor Farmers' Market

Last year, the DWFM worked closely with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit and Farmers’ Market Ontario to ensure that social distancing measures and safety protocols were in place when the market opened; even stricter protocols will be followed this year.

“We’ve always said the Downtown Windsor Farmers’ Market is an integral part of the urban/farm linkage,” said Brian Yeomans, DWBIA Chair, “which is why we take the safety and wellbeing of market visitors, vendors, volunteers and staff very seriously. We can establish and meet provincially-approved safety measures, while also ensuring that it’s an enjoyable, pleasurable experience — the way a farmers’ market should be.”

Some of the 2021 measures will include:

  • Physical distancing measures at entry and exit points
  • Division of site and one-way traffic flow in each direction
  • Hand-wash stations, portable toilets, masks and sanitizers at all entrances/exits
  • Patio services to be removed until such time as the health regulations allow for the congregation of market visitors
  • All interactive features, like Kids Corner and Chef’s Table, to be moved to virtual experiences

Similar to brick-and-mortar grocery stores, Farmers Markets are deemed an essential service.


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