Pelissier Street Parklet being built in Downtown Windsor. Photo courtesy of Mark Bradley.

Downtown Windsor Is Building Another Patio And This One Is Bigger

Last week, the Downtown Windsor Businesses Improvement Association and the Mayor of Windsor, Drew Dilkens, unveiled the first parklet patio in the city’s core. This new one will is going to be even bigger.

The new parklet is currently being constructed on Pelissier, just south of University Avenue West. It aims to provide support for Craft Heads Brewing Company, Terra Cotta Gourmet Pizzeria and Queen Ashthar.

Pelissier Street Parklet being built in Downtown Windsor. Photo courtesy of Mark Bradley.
Pelissier Street Parklet being built in Downtown Windsor. Photo courtesy of Mark Bradley.

Over the weekend, Panache Restaurant & Lounge, La Guardia Italian Cuisine and On A Roll Sushi were the first to begin operating from a walled-off patio-style seating area over the weekend. The deck took over what were parkign spots to provide a larger capacity for the restaurants to provide outdoor dining.

Now, the same deck-style extension is being built on Pelissier and is a bit bigger, potentially allowing for up to 86 people to enjoy. The photos above, provided by downtown Windsor resident, Mark Bradley, show the work in progress.


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