Souq Restaurant Offering Support To Seniors and Vulnerable Individuals

With the constant bombardment of scary and bad news right now, it’s reassuring to hear a good news stories emerge.

Souq Restaurant, located in Windsor, Ontario, is saying they’re ready to do what they can to help during the COVID-19 crisis. The restaurant and their team are happy to be helping seniors and members of vulnerable communities during these difficult times. They are offering to pick up groceries, prescriptions, and deliver food to those in need.

They are asking those who require assistance, as well those who know individuals to need assistance, to connect with them.

Please click here for their contact information.

*In this moment of crisis, it is more important than ever to support the small businesses in our community. We are asking all our visitors for the smallest of favours to provide us with some resemblance of cash flow. Please click on the advertisements on our articles and website. We thank you very much for your support. Stay calm, kind and positive.*


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