Valentine baking kits are here and they’re glorious

Ani & Fabi have two great baking kits this month that make the perfect Valentine gift. What’s a baking kit? Well, aside from being the best idea ever, it’s box that contains nearly everything ingredient you need to make an amazing dessert.

Enjoy baking these on a romantic date, plan a great activity with the kids, or just keep the kit on hand to bake at a later date, it’s a win-win situation here.

This month they have two great desserts to celebrate Valentine’s Day, love and happiness.


The colourful Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookie is back! These red velvet cookies not only look awesome, but they also have a more sophisticatedly chocolatey taste, for all you decadent cookie fans.

Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies


This cupckae is chocolate on chocolate on chocolate. To make it even better it can also be made vegan. So go and celebrate Valentine’s Day as it deserves to be celebrated…..with chocolate.

Triple Chocolate Brownies

Both kits are available for order online and if you order before February 12th, you’ll even get them in time for Valentine’s Day! If you can’t wait for the mail, the kits are also available locally at Little Foot Foods in Windsor.

Get yours today and celebrate with the one you love (that includes yourself!)

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