Gold barware is all the rage these days but can be quite pricey. So we though it would be fun to include a DIY on how to add a bit of gold dust to your New Years celebrations.
These gold bottomed stemless wine glasses are soooo easy to make. We picked up the glasses at the discount store and a can of spray paint from the craft store.
It’s an easy way to brighten up your holiday and your friends will think you’re a DIY master.
What you’ll need:
- Stemless wine glasses
- Painter’s tape
- Aluminum foil
- Metallic spray paint

Using the painter’s tape, section off the areas you want to paint. You can get as creative as you like here. Keep it simple by just painting the bottom or jazz it up with stripes, zig zags or do a side dip (my fave).
To prevent getting paint on the areas you don’t want, use aluminum foil. Just mold the foil around the glass. You can even use another strip of painters tape to secure the foil in place.

I recommend taking this outdoors to spray paint. Lay down some newspaper to avoid getting paint splatter everywhere. Use a quick, short sweeping motion over the area until it is covered.
You may need to get a second coat on to get an even look. Once the paint has completely dried, remove the foil and tape. If there are any uneven spots or places where you don’t want paint, I just ran the glass under water and scraped off the paint gently using an abrasive pad.

I suggest only spray painting the bottom portion of the glass and avoid the top portion where you would drink from. No one likes the possibility of having paint chip in their drink.
If you’re not into gold, just use a different colour or combine more than one colour