Tea Tasting With Joseph Wesley at Anchor Coffee House

Anchor Coffee House is hosting a free tea tasting.
Anchor Coffee House is hosting a free tea tasting.

Anchor Coffee House are very excited to welcome back Joseph Wesley of Joseph Wesley Black Tea Co. for a night of free tea tasting and to dive head first into the ancient history of tea.

Sharing tea together is among the oldest recorded traditions and Joseph will be coming over from Detroit to show us the best way to do so. Joseph studied in Malaysia and met tea growers and producers and connected with connoisseurs all over China, India and Africa.

During the tasting at Anchor, you will get to try numerous high end loose leaf teas, sample a new cardamom and fennel chai made from scratch on the stove, all the while learning and enjoying the company of each other.

The event runs from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on Saturday, December 13, 2014.


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