Needed: Caterer for Movie Production Set

We recently received this letter asking for our help in securing a caterer for a movie production happening in Windsor. Being that we’re big fans of supporting the Windsor-Essex arts community, we wanted to post this out there for any food service businesses who were interested:

I wanted to contact you to seek some help for a film production currently filming in Windsor. The director, Gavin Michael Booth, although recently relocated to Toronto has brought his movie The Scarehouse to Windsor, filming in the old bingo hall on Pellissier Ave. Filming began on Monday and will wrap up on the 13th of September. They are seeking catering sponsors for lunch and dinner for approximately 30 to 40 crew members.

This movie already has a release deal in the US with Universal Studios and in Canada with D-Films. The film has a budget of close to $300,000, much of which is being spent locally on crews, actors, catering and other supplies.

I can be reached at or through Facebook if you would be interested in sponsoring one or more meals for the film.

Let’s support our burgeoning film industry in Windsor and the arts as a whole.


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