Take Home Smoke & Spice's Smoked Turkey for Christmas Dinner

Smoke & Spice

This Christmas Smoke & Spice is offering to do all the work in the kitchen for you.

The popular southern barbeque restaurant is smoking turkey breasts for you to pick up and serve at your own Christmas dinner at home. Each breast will be approximately 2 pounds, 10 ounces, after cooking. That’s monsterous and enough to feed five people about 8 ounces each! Each breast will cost $30 plus tax and include a pint of Turkey gravy. That’s a price of just $6 per person.

Pre-order your Smoked turkey breasts for pick up on Monday, December 24, 2012, between 12:00pm and 2:00pm. Order yours by clicking here now before they’re all gone.

All orders must be prepaid. Credit card orders will be accepted online and if you prefer to pay cash, you’ll have to do so at the restaurant before they run out.

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