They Love Us! They Really Love Us!

WindsorEats Culinary Guide

We had quite a week last week!  If you follow us on Twitter and FaceBook then you already know that WindsorEats experienced a media blitz of unparalleled proportions!

It started early in the week as Travel Gay Canada listed the Wine Trail Ride cycling tours as part of “Discovering Canada’s Far South”.

And then came the tidal wave of articles.

8:27 a.m.  The Detroit News writes an article on Windsor and mentions Eat Your City Restaurant Week as part of their list of “things to do”.

12:10 p.m. Claire Brownell of The Windsor Star and her dad took part in our Wine Trail Ride in July.

1:17 p.m. Once again The Detroit News. Reporter Melodie Baetens writes on the allure of poutine and spoke with Adriano on his take on this “classic” Canadian dish.  As Detroit jumps on the poutine bandwagon, Adriano provided Melodie a list of Windsor restaurants that offer up the French fried, gravy and curd topped dish.

4:00 p.m. As part of an article on the War of 1812 celebrations taking place this year, Grapevine Magazine spoke with Adriano about the Wine Trail Rides and why Essex County is the perfect cycling destination.

Getting great promotion like this is not only good for WindsorEats and the Wine Trail Ride but for our whole region.

It means people are starting to take notice and are discovering that Windsor and Essex County is a pretty awesome place.

But it’s the people who live here who are the true trendsetters.  We knew this place was cool all along!

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