Cream + Peas + Pasta = Delicious!

2020 Eat Your City Restaurant Week Has Been Cancelled

Eat Your City Restaurant Week for 2020 has been cancelled due to lack of participation from local restaurants.

The restaurant week, which would have taken place August 10-16, 2020, traditionally generates a great deal of excitement for both participants and restaurant owners. It is a sister event to the popular Winter Bites Restaurant Week that takes place in January and provides an boost to dining establishments in a traditionally slower time of the year.

While the restaurant week would have looked and operated a bit differently this year due to COVID-19, we still planned on moving forward with the event in order to help support businesses and to create a buzz and excitement about the patio culture that is developing as part of the easing of restrictions in Essex County.

Unfortunately, we had to make the difficult decision to cancel Eat Your City Restaurant Week after repeated call outs to restaurants to submit confirmation of their participation and receiving no response.

For events like Eat Your City (and events like it) to continue, it not only requires diners to support the participating restaurants, it requires the active participation and support of local businesses as well.

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