Tasty Tuesday Recipe: Salsa Verde

A friend of mine, Melinda, had posted on Facebook that she had accumulated about 10lbs worth of tomatillos that had grown rogue in her garden.  Her question:  did anyone want them? My answer: Me! Me! Me!

I’ve never eaten tomatillos before, wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to do with them, but I knew I had to have them. After scouring the world wide web, it seemed the only thing people were making with these little green, husked tomato-like vegetables was salsa verde.

Salsa Verde

  • Tomatillos
  • 1 Jalapeno
  • 2 onion
  • 4 bulbs of garlic
  • Bunch of Cilantro
  • 5 limes

Turn the oven to broil.  Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Wash and husk the tomatillos, cut them into halves and lay cut side down onto the baking sheet.  Give the onions a rough chop and add them to the baking sheet.  Place the whole bulbs of garlic on the sheet.  Cut and seed the jalapeno and add to the mix.  Just a note here…it’s a good idea to wear gloves when seeding the jalapeno.  I didn’t and my hands were tingling for quite some time and everything I touched turned into a really spicy treat.

Broil until everything is soft.  Throw it all into a blender. I recommend doing it in batches, adding cilantro to each batch.  I also didn’t really blend mine until it was smooth.  I wanted a chunkier type salsa so didn’t puree the mix.  When everything was pureed, I squeezed in the fresh lime juice.  I also added a bit of salt to mine, until I had the taste I wanted.

I’m not much of a canner, so I don’t know if this is “can-able”, but is sure makes for a weekend of great salsa eating.

The recipe is versatile.  You can definitely add more spice to it by adding additional jalapenos.  My spice tolerance isn’t that high so one jalapeno was all I could take.  Sean really liked it and we are definitely going to add tomatillos to the garden next year.

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