Day Four of Winter Bites: Tweets, Beats & Eats

Last night, WindsorEats held our popular Tweets, Beats & Eats event at Motor Burger as part of our Winter Bites Culinary Week. Sponsored by 93.9 The River and Global Machine Repair, the event offered guests a meal that consisted of 3 burgers paired with 3 sides and 3 beers. We had DJ Mele mashing up awesome beats all night and guests were encouraged to tweet with their mouths full as our Twitter feed of the event was broadcast live on screens throughout the restaurant.

The Jillian Veggie Burger on the menu was paired with Motor Burgers famous nachos and Sapporo

The first course was a recipe that our very own Jillian created. As such, it was named the Jillian SMART Veg burger. It is a lentil patty and was paired with Motor Burgers famous nachos and Sapporo beer. The recipe is on our site should you choose to try it out.

People were tweeting from home bummed that they missed out on this great event

Throughout the night we had people tweeting from home saying how they wish they could have come and were jealous of all the fun and good eats they were reading our guests were having.

My personal favourite tweets of the night were coming from a table if med students in the back. You were awesome!

The Rice Burner burger was also a crowd favourite

The second course was one called the Rice Burner. It was a chicken patty with Thai chili, lemon grass, cilantro, green curry lime spiked cucumber and red onion slaw. The side served was double blanched fries. People loved it so much they were tweeting insisting Chef Jay Souilliere insert it onto his regular menu. The Rice Burner was paired with Singha from Thailand.

Unfortunately I devoured my third burger, the Grand Prix du Canada, was devoured so fast I forgot to take a photo of it. It was made of grilled beef chuck, dijonaise, Gruyère, Montreal smoked meat and coleslaw, served with fried pickle and paired with Unibroue Maudite from Quebec.

Dan MacDonald of 93.9 The River, was terrific as the emcee for the evening and gave away prizes including dvd’s to some lucky winners of some trivia questions.

Thank you everyone that helped make this edition of Tweets, Beats & Eats so much fun!


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