Help Save Our Local Abattoirs! Sign The Petition Today

Small, local abattoirs (slaughterhouses) are being pushed out of business by strict provincial legislation.

The Ontario Artisan Share site gave these three reasons why local abattoirs are important:

  1. because meat raised with care should be killed with care and butchered with respect. The circle of life is a much more… well circular, if the person taking the animals life can look in the farmers eye, has a relationship with him and their kids play together.
  2. when handled in this more personal and humane way the meat taste better. At Culinarium, a Toronto-based gourmet food shop, they’ve dropped farms that have moved to Federal plants because they claim the quality of their meat dropped too).
  3. your money will do a lot more good for the local economy in the pocket of a small town Ontario citizen than on a shareholders balance sheet at a large corporate plant.

These strict regulations are killing small abattoirs all overs Ontario, destroying the livelihoods of the farmers who use them and reducing opportunities for the general public to purchase local food.

If you care about being able purchase local food, please click here to sign our petition to help save the local abattoirs.

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