Tweets, Beats & Eats Recap (April 29, 2010)

I know it has been a few days since WindsorEats’ first Tweets, Beats & Eats event on April 29, 2010 and Windsorite has even already made a post about it complete with photos, but, now it’s our turn to do a recap!

The event was a huge success. Tickets almost sold out, the crowd loved the music of DJ Vex and the fantastic burgers by Chef Jay. We all learned it took Motor Burger co-owner Gino 10 weeks to grow his beard and I think we all made new friends in the process as the event truly became an interactive dinner.

To all those who missed it, don’t worry, we’re already planning a second one!

Enjoy this brief video recap from our first Tweets, Beats & Eats:


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