Corn Bread Muffins

I am a bad blogger.  Back in April I tweeted out a few photos of corn bread muffins I was making and promised I would post about it soon.  Well here we are in May and I’m just getting down to it.  Yikes.  

Every time my sister comes down to visit, it’s like a baking frenzy at my mom’s house.  Last summer, we made everything from crumbles, crisps and compotes made with rhubarb from the neighbours yard and mulberry jam with berries we picked from a berry bush on the side of the road.   Writing this is actually making my mouth water because the crumbles and jams were just amazing. 

This year, Rose decided to visit around the Easter holiday.  Actually, let me clarify here.  What usually happens is Rose books a ticket to visit for about 2 weeks.  As the day of her departure nears, the dilemma begins…should she stay longer?  Up until the day she leaves we are usually wondering if she is extending her stay or not.  Ultimately she always extends her stay….which we love.   And so it happened this time around where she extended her visit to spend Easter with the family.  Yay!

Sean and his family were having brunch on Easter morning (or as Rose and I called it…blunch as it was more of a lunch then a brunch), so I decided to make two lasagnas and a batch of corn bread muffins with caramelized onions and bacon.  The corn bread muffin recipe came from Martha Stewart’s Living magazine

They turned out really cute and I would definitely make them again, but I’m going to try and figure out a way to add a little more flavour to them.  Not sure what that means just yet, but I’ll let you know.

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