This year, WindsorEats has opened up our Wine Trail Ride for charities and organizations to use as a fundraiser. Rotary and Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital Foundation were the first ones to take us up on the offer. Here is the information regarding their rides:
Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital Fundraiser – May 8, 2010
The Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital Foundation was created to help Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital provide high-quality and compassionate care to its patients and their families.
Formally launched in the fall of 2005, as the Heart of the City Hospital Foundation, our mission is to support Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital by funding priority capital and equipment needs. In 2008, the Foundation changed its name to Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital Foundation to honour and better reflect the century-long tradition of Hôtel-Dieu and the Salvation Army Grace Hospitals’ caring for the community.
Tickets for the HDGHF ride are $55 each and can be purchased on the Wine Trail Ride website
Rotary’s Pedal for Polio – May 29, 2010
Choose one of three leisurely cycle routes to three beautiful Essex County wineries where you will sample local wines before enjoying a fabulous dinner at your final destination. At the end of the evening, take home a bottle of wine to remember your day.
The $75 ride includes an escorted tour, samplings at three wineries and a special multi-course meal.
For registration information go to the Wine Trail Ride website.