WindsorEats To Go Dark

This Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 8:30pm WindsorEats will be going dark as part of Earth Hour. 

For one hour, the site will power down, so to speak, as part of Earth Hour.   This is just our way of showing our concern for the state of our planet and it’s environment. The site will be fully operational again at 9:30 p.m.  

Earth Hour shows that, together, our small actions can make a big difference to help fight climate change. Last year, over 10 million Canadians turned off their lights for Earth Hour in a show of concern to the government. This demonstrates that people are taking personal action to reduce their footprint and that they expect the same level of commitment from government.

Turning out the lights for one hour on Saturday is just the world’s way of making a statement.  There are many ways you can make a statement every day.

  • Eat local foods
  • Use cold water when doing laundry
  • Hang your clothes out to dry
  • Plant a vegetable garden
  • Shop with reusable bags
  • Get involved in community supported agriculture

Businesses across Essex County will also be showing their support for Earth Hour.  

Chanoso’s and Oishii Restaurants in downtown Windsor will, for the third consecutive year, power down in support of Earth Hour 2010. Turning off their lights and reducing all electrical power for one full hour, Chanoso’s and Oishii are inviting patrons to join the crusade in support of climate action.

Romanticizing the event, Chanoso’s and Oishii are offering patrons candlelight dinner and cold menu selections including Corn, Jicama, Asian Pear and Cucumber Salad with Avocado Puree Appetizer; Coconut Pad Thai with Almond Chili Sauce Entrée; and Sweet and Sour Cherry Sorbet with fresh fruit.

“These simple acts will highlight awareness of the fight for climate change” said Mark Boscariol, co-owner of Chanoso and Oishii Restaurants. “We’re encouraging involvement and inviting the community to come out in support of our environment.”

WindsorEats will be “shutting down” it’s site for one hour on March 27, 2010.  What will you be doing?

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