Winter Bites 2010 Poster Available for Download & Print

After many, many tweaks, the Winter Bites 2010 poster is available for all to download and post and print wherever they please!

The poster has been made available to download in both a gif format (for web) and a pdf format (for print).

We’ve also decided to have fun with some new technology on this poster. In the bottom right hand corner you may notice a small little “bar code” type image with “scan this” written above it. Well, everyone walking the streets or dining in a restaurant that sees this poster doesn’t have to worry about trying to remember the dates of Winter Bites. They can just whip out their smart phone and, if compatible software is on the phone, scan it with the phones camera and it should automatically add it to your phones calendar. How neat is that?!

Windsor-Essex is a great (and tasty!) region and we encourage you to help showcase it to locals and visitors alike during the week of Winter Bites 2010, January 17-23.


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