Thank You Everyone For Making Winter Bites 2010 A Huge Success!

Well, it’s over! Winter Bites 2010 officially came to an end last night with a bang. While we still have to gather all the information, feedback so far from the restaurants indicates this year was a huge success.

Pina and I would like to take this opportunity thank everyone who went out, enjoyed and supported this event by visiting a participating restaurant and ordering a Winter Bites meal. Without the support we received from the local community, we couldn’t have had the success we experienced.

A big thanks goes out to A-Channel Windsor and Christie Bezaire for our live interview about Winter Bites on the 6:00pm news broadcast. Your excitement and willingness to promote this local event shows why A-Channel is much needed for Windsor-Essex and why we should all be supporting local television….and yes, I will be adding the clip of the interview very soon!

We also would like to thank all the participating restaurants as well as all the establishments which hosted events throughout the week. Without them offering some pretty incredible deals, well, there wouldn’t have been much of a Winter Bites. Thank you for supporting our belief that working as a collective can go much further than working as individuals.

I would personally like to thank Jillian for being willing to eat out for dinner each and every night this week.

Eat Your City 2010 is the next Windsor-Essex Restaurant Week we have which will take place August 1-7, 2010. Winter Bites 2011 will be January 16-22, 2011.

Thank you, everybody!!!


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