Take-Out Lunch at Terra Cotta for Day 4 of Winter Bites 2010

I thought I was going to take it easy today and not have a Winter Bites meal, but, the Muffeletta Sandwich from Terra Cotta‘s Winter Bites lunch menu kept calling out to me. I caved.

Here were my selections:

  • Focaccia e Formaggi
  • Muffeletta Sandwich
  • Apple Pie

Unfortunately I don’t have any photos with me (I ate lunch at my parents house and used my dads camera) so I can’t show you how delicious everything looked. The Focaccia and the Apple Pie were great but I just couldn’t get enough of that Muffeletta Sandwich. The fresh made bread…the ham…the sopressata….the swiss and provolone….the olive salad! Everything was a perfect combination. I wouldn’t even share it with my mom when she asked for a bite. I didn’t want to part with any bit of it.


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