Beer and Bling!

Valentines Day is just around the corner.  I know.  It’s crazy.  But all you BF’s and significant male others out there!  Don’t worry!  Nancy Johns has you covered!  She has come up with an ultra fantastic way to get your girlfriend that extra something special and still be able to get your male bonding and drink on.

Beer and Bling!
Beer and Bling!

That’s right.  It’s beer and it’s bling all rolled into one.  Come out to Nancy Johns Gallery and Framing on Sunday, January 31st and you’ll get to shop for your girlfriend (or girls…shop for yourself!) while hanging with friends and enjoying great beer.  Not only does Nancy have great local artwork in her gallery, but the jewellery is also made by local artists.  And there are some really great pieces.   Trust me.

I think Dianne Clinton summed it up best…..”Jewellery and clothes are the new flowers and chocolate.”

The best part is that the jewellery will be displayed by models including….ahem….me!  That’s right I’ll get to wear beautiful jewellery and chic clothing by local boutique, Envy.

 So if you’re looking for something unique to do on Sunday, girls and guys alike, stop by Nancy Johns Gallery.  See you there!

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