30 Days of Local Wine – Day Nine: Aleksander Estate Winery, 2006 Vidal Ice Wine (VQA)

While Day 6 featured a nice fruit wine from Black Bear, Day 9 features our first Ice Wine in the 30 Days of Local Wine.

Aleksander Estate Winery‘s 2006 Vidal Ice Wine is lusciously aromatic and sweet, yet balanced with an acidic backbone. This sweet drink is absolutely fantastic with cheeses, fruits, nuts and dessert. Heck, you can even use it as a dessert on its own!

Now you may be asking yourself, “Where would be the best time or place to enjoy this wine?”  According to Izabela of AEW, a lot of customers say their favourite place for this Vidal Ice Wine is after their holiday feast. Picture this: you sit down to relax after a large, holiday dinner and loosen your belt with this great sipper in your hand which takes the place of dessert, but, with elegance and grace that does not disappoint

The 2006 AEW Vidal Ice Wine is also a popular choice with customers when buying a gift.

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