Award Winners Recap

Well all the awards have been handed out and we just want to sum up all the winners here (just in case you missed it!).

Congratulations to all the winners!  And thank you to everyone who cast their votes in May!  The Awards will definitely be back in 2010 and you will once again be able to vote for your favourites.

You can check out the presentations here:




Adriano and I had a blast announcing the winners and we hope you enjoyed how they were presented.  Windsor/Essex has a fantastic culinary scene and definitely something worth celebrating and raving about. As always we encourage you to visit and dine in some (or all!) of our locally owned restaurants.  As the saying goes….use it or lose it.  We truly have creative and outstanding chefs and restaurateurs in this area and unless we support them, they will disappear.  Our local restaurants celebrate who we are in this community and offer us diversity in what they offer.

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