Free Film Screening and FedUp Windsor are hosting a film and community discussion on Sunday, August 16th at The Gourmet Emporium, 1799 Wyandotte Street East.

You may remember we partnered up with FedUp last year for a screening of Food Matters.  It was standing room only at The Gourmet Emporium as our panel discussed the issues relating to food and the drug industry and engaged the audience in a thought provoking discussion.

This year, we’ll be screening “The Future of Food“.  Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, The Future of Food examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world’s food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.

The film screening will be followed by a community discussion with panel guests. 

The free screening is part of FedUp’s Summer Harvest Festival August 15th-August 16.  The festival kicks off with a Garden Bike Tour that leaves at 3 pm from 1950 Ottawa St. (Citizens Environment Alliance – openhouse at 2pm) and end at approximately 6:30 pm at 463 Askin St.   They’ll be visiting 7 urban gardens from Walkerville to Sandwich.  There is limited seating in a car-pool for those unable to bike.  Please RSVP: or 519-258-8398.

Then at 6pm the Summer Garden Harvest Party begins at 463 Askin Street.  There’ll be a Creative Harvest Cook-off, live music with The Big Three featuring Ron Leary, Mr. Chill and Scotty “Shooze” Hughes, drinks, 50/50, Raffle, Door Prizes.  Kids are welcome!  It’s pay-what-you-can  but a $10 donation is suggested.  For tickets call Ayesha at 519-977-8724 or Renee at 519-996-7299.

On Sunday, August 16th along with the Future of Food film screening at the Gourmet Emporium, there will be an Urban Foraging Workshop hosted by the Windsor Guerrilla Gardening Collective.  It takes place 2 – 4 pm at 328 Pelissier (Windsor Workers’ Action Centre).  Learn to find, harvest and prepare nutritious wild.

The Harvest Swap also takes place on Sunday, August 16th, 4 – 6 pm at 328 Pelissier (Windsor Workers’ Action Centre).  Bring your surplus, swap with others to diversify your bounty, or just come and see what’s available for the taking. All unclaimed food will be donated to the food bank, a community kitchen or others in need.   FedUp hosts Harvest Swaps on the first and third Sunday of every month until October 18th.

If you are interested in volunteering please email or call 519-258-8398.

For more information visit

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