Keep in touch

Lots of people always ask me “how can I keep up with what WindsorEats is doing?”   So I thought I would answer that question here!

There are tons of ways to keep up with what WindsorEats is up to.  Aside from the website and the FoodBlog our Fan Page on Facebook provides updates and lists events.  Facebook Fans of WindsorEats receive notices anytime we’re having an event and it’s an easy way to interact with us by leaving comments and participating in discussions.

With WindsorEats Twitter, we give updates on where we are, what we’re up to and often Twitter live from events.  Last month, we had a live Twitter session with Anthony Sedlak while we were on the judging panel for the Battle of Hors D’ouevres. 

If you’re not into social media networking, then you can always sign up for our Food To Go Newsletter.  We send out Food To Go about 4 times a year and it lists all our upcoming events and news on our member restaurants.

And of course, there is always the good ol’ fashion way of doing things….email us at info @!    

Adriano and I are also at every event we hold, and we love meeting people who visit the site.  So the next time you see us at an event or festival, come up and say hello! 

So there you have it.  A few of the ways you can keep up with all the things is up to.  It’s shaping up to be a great summer and there will be plenty 0′ stuff happening!

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