Are you an artist?

Need a place to show your work?  Think of displaying it in a restaurant or coffee shop.  I love going to a restaurant and being able to see work from local artists instead of the generic-bought-in-a-mall stuff.  In my opinion, every restaurant in the city should have local art hanging on their walls.  And there are some that do.

But here’s the problem.  A few restaurants have put the call out to artists and no one has answered.  A few restaurant owners approached us and said they would love to have local work in their establishment.  The artist could use the space (at no cost) and show their work to people who may never have been exposed to it before.

As an artist, look at it this way: the restaurant is a gallery.  I walked in to Black Kettle Bistro this past week and gracing its walls was the work of local gal, Dianne Clinton.  Beautiful.  I watched as people came into BKB, orderd their food and then made their way around the bistro taking in each piece of work, commenting, critiquing.  As if we were in the Art Gallery of Windsor itself.  Owner, Rino Bortolin, even told me someone had recently purchased one of Dianne’s works.  How fantastic is that?!

Black Kettle Bistro is just one restaurant that celebrates our local artists.   Social Bean Cafe is also looking for work to hang in their establishment.

So if you are an artist and are interested in having your work showcased to a new and diverse audience, then email me or leave a comment in this post.  I will put you in touch with people who have space and are willing to work with you or give you the contact information of who to get in touch with.   Let’s make this city a creative city.

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