Impromptu Sushi

Jillian showing off her first ever homemade sushi
Jillian showing off her first ever homemade sushi

Friday night took an interesting turn of events while Adriano and I were over at our friends Dominic and Lila’s house.

Tiffany arrived carting a large bag with her. To the surprise of everyone, she had picked up the ingredients to try and make sushi from scratch. This was a pleasant surprise and the perfect group activity for everyone to partake in! Ok, truth…for the ladies to partake in and the guys to watch and eat. Thanks for the help guys!

Tiffany certainly came prepared and in no time at all the four of us rookie sushi cooks had converged in Lila’s kitchen to try our hand at sushi making. We got the rice cooking and the avocados, carrots, cucumbers and red peppers were being sliced. The calamari, and shrimp were cooked in tempura, and we were off to the races.

The ingredients for our sushi
The ingredients for our sushi

I thought that Lila, Tiffany, Heather and I were pretty darn good, but, I am sure the Aleksander Estate Chardonnay didn’t hurt to boost out cooking confidence.

My suggestion to watch You Tube videos of how to make sushi was pushed to the way side and we went full steam ahead to try our hand at creating the perfect sushi rolls. My veggie sushi roll, a shellfish allergy puts a damper on sushi, turned out to be delicious. Although I am sure the peanut sauce that Tiffany whipped up before she came didn’t hurt either. Tiffany also made some awesome rice paper rolls that turned out surprisingly well.

There is of course room for improvement with our sushi making skills, but, I have to say, that for four novice sushi chefs we didn’t do too badly.

Oh, and the guys didn’t seem to complain about it either.

An impromptu Friday night sushi making turned out to be an entertaining evening that yielded a wonderful reward.

Here is the recipe for Tiffany’s Peanut Sauce:

Tiffany’s Peanut Butter Sesame Sauce

  • 4 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • 3 tablespoons warm water
  • 2 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • 2 table spoons of Sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons of white sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds

Mix all well. You may need to ad more white vinegar or sugar if you like a little more zing.

Best after letting sit for about ½ hour at room temperature before serving.

Jillian Authier

A lifelong Windsorite, Jillian’s passion for teaching has brought her into the kitchen at one of Windsor’s community centres teaching children simple recipes even they can do. Jill also loves her white wine. Pelee Island Late Harvest Vidal anyone?

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