A Visit To Buda During Winter Bites 2009

Winter may bite but the food at Buda definitely does not.

Thursday night my boyfriend John, our friend Patrick and I decided a three-course meal for $25 couldn’t be beat. After widdling the Winter Bites list down to a select few we decided on Buda. I had been to Buda once before and recalled enjoying their surf and turn beef tips. I know, it sounds like a strange combination, beef on the beach. But trust me, it works.

When I called to make a reservation I was told Buda was undergoing renovations but we’d be seated at Chanoso’s next door, no problem. I was happy to see they had reserved a table by the window. Although it’s more enjoyable in the spring and summer months I like that I can people watch. You just never know what or who might catch your eye on Ouellette.

For starters, Patrick and I chose the spicy salt squid while John went with the crab naan. Upon being served the appetizers my first thought was, “Whoa! That’s a lot of food for little me.”

The abundant squid was delicious alone but even better when dipped in the spicy roasted red pepper sauce. The appetizer was enough to make me full but I saved room for the main course, which for me meant lemon chili honey glazed whitefish.

The whitefish was served over rice and the glaze added just enough zing. As for John and Patrick the spicy seaweed crusted chicken was the dish of choice. I heard the chicken was good but honestly, they were both jealous after tasting my whitefish!

Buda Tiramisu
Buda Tiramisu

After devouring the main course we were all, as my dad likes to put it, “like a tick about to pop”. Terrible expression. But just as we thought we couldn’t take another bite of anything for days the waitress set down three beautifully served cups of tiramisu. Needless to say, it didn’t look picture perfect very long.

From beginning to end, dinner at Buda made for an enjoyable night. Best of all my wallet was still as full as I was when we left!

Kristin Faye
I’ve lived in Windsor the past three years but I’m originally from Texas and proud of it. I’m currently a journalism student at St. Clair and love it. I read. I write. I love.

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