Mazaar Lebanese Cuisine

Meat Sambussik
Meat Sambussik

If you’ve spent anytime with me in the last two months I can almost guarantee that I have gone off on a bit of a rant about Mazaar Lebanese Cuisine.

For those of you who don’t know yet, if that’s possible, Mazaar is a fantastic Lebanese restaurant located at 372 Ouellette near Park Street. While Windsor has been indulging in Lebanese cuisine downtown for a number of years now, Mazaar’s approach is very different than the small shawarma places that dot Ouellette Avenue. It is a large restaurant with fantastic murals and decor, a patio and, on Friday and Saturday nights, live music.

Mazaar's fabulous hummus
Mazaar's fabulous hummus

I went there for the first time with Adriano and close friends of ours. Lila had been raving about the pita bread there, and said that although she had been there at least once a week for the past month; she was more than willing to go again. I now understand why.

They offered a nice wine list and a great selection of appetizers, so we wasted no time. My personal favourite is their hummus. Well, the hummus and the amazing pitas that they serve. I enquired about the pitas and was told that they are made fresh right there in the restaurant. This isn’t hard to believe because you can smell their incredible aroma, which includes a slightly sweet scent, and the fact that they are puffed up with warm air still inside when delivered to your table. I think I could eat about 20 of those things no problem.

Pitas being made fresh at Mazaar Lebanese Cuisine
Pitas being made fresh at Mazaar Lebanese Cuisine

As per usual, I hummed and hawed over what to get, and not because I couldn’t find anything I liked. I had the pleasant experience of not being able to decide what I wanted to order because so many things looked incredible! I should also note that there is lots of veggie options available too, all marked with a V on the menu, which is fantastic. I opted for the chicken shawarma.

Now please, before I continue, remove all images you have of the shawarma you picked up on the way home from the bar last week as it is not even in the same league. This shawarma came with a beautifully cooked chicken breast, not an ounce of fat or shoddy looking meat to be found, fantastic beryani rice and garlic puree. I should also mention that those pitas from the hummus are brought fresh to the table with the dinner as well. Heaven. My dinner mates ordered a variety of dishes, which had I not been stuffing my face I might be able to tell you about in some detail. They all loved their meals as well.

Zaatar Tenderloin Shish Kabob
Zaatar Tenderloin Shish Kabob

I am not quite sure how any of us were able to make room for dessert, but, thankfully we did. I cannot recall the exact name of the dessert we ordered as I have since renamed it the ‘chocolate sausage’.  Sounds repulsive, I know, but it’s only what it looks like. This is another one of the house specialities which they make themselves. It is chocolate with wafers and other deliciousness mixed in which they served sliced. Please, do not let my inability to describe this amazing dessert keep you from trying it. All chocolate lovers, this is a must!

To ensure that this amazing food wasn’t a fluke, I simply had to go back, and let me reassure you that each time the food and service has been amazing. Now don’t waste another minute, go and get yourself down to Mazaar, and don’t forget the ‘chocolate sausage’!

Jillian Authier

A lifelong Windsorite, Jillian’s passion for teaching has brought her into the kitchen at one of Windsor’s community centres teaching children simple recipes even they can do. Jill also loves her white wine. Pelee Island Late Harvest Vidal anyone?

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