The last of the cherry tomatoes

Brrrrr….it’s cold outside! I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that summer has ended.Good bye garden, so long fresh herbs, adios county vegetable stands.

Since my attempts at a garden this year were a dismal failure, I have relied on friends and family to supply me with fresh garden vegetables and herbs. So a few weeks ago, my friend Kevin brought over a few of cherry tomatoes from his garden. There were only 4-5 of them, so I headed over to my mom’s and picked a few more plus a handful of basil.

Pasta with Cherry Tomatoes
Pasta with Cherry Tomatoes

The sweetness of the cherry tomatoes are perfect for a sauce. There is no real recipe here. It’s pretty much add to the pan as you go. Add some olive oil to the pan, crush some garlic and throw it in and maybe even some chopped red onion.

I had some pancetta stored away which I brought back from my summer sojourn in Italy so diced a little of that and in it went. Let the pancetta cook for a bit then add the chopped tomatoes. As they cook down just crush them with the back of a spoon to get that sauciness going.

Pasta with Cherry Tomatoes
Pasta with Cherry Tomatoes

Once the sauce is ready add your cooked, drained pasta to the pan and mix it all up. Sprinkle a bit of parmiggiano reggiano and rip up a few of those fresh basil leaves over top and voila! A fresh tasting pasta dish that pretty much sums up summer for me.

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