Our Local Grocers

Each month a bunch of us local bloggers get together and have a chat and a few drinks. At our last meeting we decided to do a blog burst on local amenities in our neighbourhoods. Those we have or those we wish we did. This one was easy for me. Grocery stores!

Living on a busy street in south Windsor, I don’t have the luxury of being close to the smaller, locally owned grocery stores or just any grocery store. I used to frequent the larger chains out by the big box nightmare that is Walker and Provincial.

Nowadays, I’m trying to visit that area less and less which means I have to drive a little further. What I would give to have a grocer in my neighbourhood! I would love to be able to walk or cycle, not drive, down to the local store when I’ve run out of milk or need a loaf of bread.

For most of my life I lived in Olde Walkerville, so I really took for granted being able to walk over to Ottawa Street for produce or Erie Street for bread. So if any urban planners are reading this out there….more neighbourhood grocers please!

Here are few places that I go to or have been wanting to visit:

La Stella Supermarket
948 Erie Street East
Located on via Italia, you can pretty much get it all here. Plus it has one entire aisle (both sides) dedicated to pasta. ‘Nuff said.

Remark Farms
2727 Howard Avenue
Not only do they have super duper salad bar, but their produce is the best. I find that when I buy fruits or veggies here, they outlast produce bought from the big box.

Fred’s Farm Fresh
3300 Huron Church Road
This is a good spot to pick up local produce.

Elias Markets
250 Tecumseh Road East
8100 Wyandotte East
799 Crawford

International Market-Oriental Groceries
1165 Wyandotte West

Giglio’s Market
2268 Wyandotte Street West

City Market
2109 Ottawa Street
Great shops located inside the city market. You can find everything from cheese, meats to produce and specialty items.

Paesano’s Gourmet Market and Cafe
366 Manning Road
Let Jamie Waldron hook you up with some of the best local meat in town.

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