Help Save Windsor's History

Our friends at and International Metropolis are asking for everyone’s help. An application has been made to tear down an important piece of Windsor’s heritage.

Bank of Montreal
Photo courtesy of ScaleDown

The Bank of Montreal was built in 1919 and serves as a gateway into Olde Walkerville and Ottawa Street. The owners have no plans to reuse the building but rather have made an application to tear it down for use as a parking lot, regardless of the fact that there are large parking lots on every corner of this intersection.

You can also join the Save Walkerville’s Architectural History group on Facebook and add your name to the growing number in support of this initiative. Or download flyers and hand them out!

Your voice is important and needs to be heard! Please add your name to the list on Facebook, email your councillors and hand out flyers! We need to ensure that our history is not torn down one building at a time.

All you need to do is contact city councillors and let them know that our architectural history is important to us. Put your name and email address to show your support to local councillors and media. The email sent on your behalf will state:

This is in regards to the request for the application for demolition at 1295 Walker Road. Our architectural heritage is slowly being torn down in our city, one building at a time and it is time that our municipal administrators put a stop to it.

Do not let developers continue to demolish properties that are a valuable part of our history. Please support our request to save our heritage!

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