Scotti makes one mean risotto

A few weeks back I picked up a package of Scotti Risotto all’Italiana from the grocer. During my holidays in Italy I always do a little “grocery shopping” the day before leaving. Most often they include prosciutto, parmeggiano-reggiano and a few Scotti items like the Condimento per Insalata which is olives, artichokes, capers, peas and such in a jar of olive oil. The Condimento is poured over and mixed with a plain white risotto to make a salad and it’s dam tasty. Whenever my aunts cook up a batch, they always slice up a hot dog and add it to the rice salad. Weird, but yummy.

Scotti Risotto
Package of Scotti risotto ready to be used.

When I saw the Scotti on the grocery shelf, I grabbed a pack. So tonite, instead of studying for an exam and beginning the three assignments due in class this week, I decided to make risotto.

The package said it was only going to take me about 16-18 minutes. 18 minutes may not seem quick but for a risotto that’s almost lightning speed! The whole thing about Scotti products is they are quick. In the commercials “Dottor Scotti” is always zipping around the kitchen making quick and delicious Italian meals. Yuuuummy.

The other ingredients to this risotto were wine, broth, a knob of butter and salt to taste. Pretty basic.

Now this was no Jamie Oliver risotto. Let’s get just lay that out right now. But it was still tasty. It did take a little more than 18 minutes though. One thing I might do differently the next time is not add so much of the wine. The instructions called for 2 tablespoons of wine. That sounded kinda on the low side so I added a little more. Maybe a lot more. Sometimes I get a little carried away with the vino and add way more then necessary. The taste of the Fazi Battaglia wine ended being in the forefront of the dish with the mushrooms taking a back seat.

Scotti Risotto
A bowl of mushroom risotto.

I do have to say that I was impressed. My expectations for a quick cooking rice were not that high. But the end result was quite tasty (minus the excessive amounts of alcohol).

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