Nudo Olive Oil

I use olive oil for everything. Salads, baking, dipping. It’s even in my hand creams and lip balm. Love the stuff. And if you never taken a bite out of a fresh, ripe green olive or tasted freshly pressed olive oil, it’s an experience that everyone should enjoy. At my nonna’s house in Italy we pick the olives and eat them fresh off the tree. Oh to own my own olive tree!

Well now I can! Nudo Olive Oil is based in England but operates an olive grove in the countryside of Le Marche, Italy.

Nudo Olive Oil

I saw this site a few months ago, then was reminded of it again through Eternally Cool. Select a tree in the grove and 3 times a year they’ll send you products produced from your very own olive tree! Adopting your own tree costs 65 English pounds and to make it official you even get an adoption certificate! During the year you’ll get products produced from your tree (and those around it).

In the spring you’ll receive 2 litres of extra virgin olive oil that comes in a gorgeous tin. I love the design of the packaging! In the autumn you’ll get another package in the mail that contains a tin of olive oil and three different kinds of soap.

Tin cans of Nudo olive oil.

This would make such a fantastic and unique gift for someone. Or if you’re not interested in purchasing an entire olive tree, then the Nudo Shop offers products that you can purchase on their own.

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