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Celebrate Robbie Burns Day at The Manchester

On Saturday January 25, 2014, The Manchester Pub presents it’s 4th Annual Robbie Burns Supper. The Burns Supper is an old Scottish tradition, which celebrates the life of Scottish national…


Winter Bites Restaurant Week is Back: January 13-19, 2014

Holy moly is it ever cold outside! This means there is no better time to give Old Man Winter a kick! Winter Bites Restaurant Week is back! During Winter Bites…


The Rumrunner's Revue at Rosa's in LaSalle.

On January 17-18, 2014, Rosa’s in LaSalle is hosting an evening of music and madness set in the prohibition era. Benny the Weasel is about to open up the hottest…


New Year's Day Sportstravaganza at The Manchester

The Manchester Pub will be open for a full and diverse day of sporting events on January 1, 2014. Doors will be opening at 11:30am and the kitchen will be…
