
100km Dinner is Confirmed

Major details have been confirmed and a date has set. As part of our year long birthday celebrations, WindsorEats.com and Three…A Tasting Bar will be hosting a 100km Dinner on…


Menu Released for Three's Tour of Italy

It’s finally out and it’s bigger and better than expected. Three…A Tasting Bar released their menu for their Tour of Italy special dinner taking place on Monday, March 2, 2009….


Three…A Tasting Bar's Tour of Italy

“February has been such a great month, I don’t know how we are going to top it” says Haley of Three…A Tasting Bar. Well, something that looks like it will…


Chanoso's Restaurant Renovates Space

Owners of 255 Ouellette, Mark Boscariol and Eric Donoso today announced the closure of Buda Cafe, and the expansion of Chanoso’s Restaurant. Scheduled for completion at month end, the former…
