The Urban Wine Festival in Windsor, Ontario.

Urban Wine Fest and Dinner on a Pier Cancelled Due To COVID-19

In a normal world this weekend would have been our second Urban Wine Fest followed by Dinner on a Pier within the week. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic, both events have been cancelled.

The Urban Wine Fest was to take place July 11, 2020 and Dinner on a Pier for July 16, 2020. While we waited in hopes that, by some miracle, the province would enter Stage 3 and we might possibly be able to have these events, that obviously did not happen.

We had spent time re-imagining what each event would look like and how social distancing measures would change the nature of the events should we have progressed.

But all is not lost. While we move through the pandemic, we’ve already started planning for 2021 and we know it’s going to be epic!

In good news Stage 2 allows us to start up our Wine Trail Ride cycling tours! So if you’re looking for an awesome activity that explores our wineries, be sure to check out our Wine Trail Ride!

Dining al fresco in the most anticipated annual dining experience in Windsor, Ontario.

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