Yes. Tom's Tavern is an actual functioning bar in Detroit and it is amazing!

Come On A Pub Crawl To Detroit With Us!

Yes. Tom's Tavern is an actual functioning bar in Detroit and it is amazing!
Yes. Tom’s Tavern is an actual functioning bar in Detroit and it is amazing!

The WindsorEats D-Tours are back!

Join us on November 18, 2016, as we explore some of Detroit’s great bars on the WindsorEats D-Tour. Hakuna Matata all night long as you travel magic school bus style to some of the Motor City’s hidden and not-so-hidden gems. There will be four stops along the way for our guests to imbibe.

We'll drink to that!
We’ll drink to that!

The WindsorEats D-Tour, (get it? detour?) will allow easy access for you to visit some iconic local hangouts in Detroit without the need to drive, allowing you time to focus on a good time.

We’ll be visiting some memorable bars including one of the top 8 grittiest dive bars in America, Tom’s Tavern, Detroit’s oldest German bar, the Dakota Inn Rathskeller and a bar that is over 110 years old in Nancy Whiskey.

Tickets to the WindsorEats D-Tour quickly!  The tour will leave Windsor at 6:30 p.m and bring you back to Windsor at approximately midnight, safe and sound and with some great stories and memories.

Guests must be 21 and over to attend and have a valid passport. The D-Tour does not include beverages or food in the ticket price. We recommend bringing cash in US currency.

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