The City Grill Receives 5th Consecutive Wine Spectator Award

The City Grill, located in downtown Windsor, Ontario.
The City Grill, located in downtown Windsor, Ontario.

It is with great pleasure that we announce that The City Grill, located in downtown Windsor has received its 5 th consecutive Wine Spectator Award. In April of 2011 The City Grill was at the forefront of the downtown revitalization effort and now continues to diversify and build a stronger Downtown Windsor.

In order to achieve the wine spectator award, sommelier Bev Carnahan has worked diligently to achieve a well balance wine list that covers new and old world wines. Bev works hand in hand with The City Grill’s executive chef to pair all of our wines to compliment the menu. Over the years The City Grill has managed to collect a beautiful collection of over 1500 bottles of wine.

The City Grill in Downtown Windsor, Ontario
The City Grill in Downtown Windsor, Ontario

“It has been my pleasure to work with the staff and management at The City Grill to compile this wine list. To introduce our clientele to new and upcoming wines, regions as well of those proven classics,” Bev says.

Bev graduated from the sommelier program in 2007, has been in the fine dining industry for over 30 years and has been awarded 7 wine spectators awards in her career.

Owner, Matt Koma, is extremely proud of his staff, management and Bev for achieving this award for the 5th consecutive year.

“As an independent restaurant we go against some very large competition and for us to be this successful is a testament to our team but most of all the community for supporting us. ”


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