One Step Closer: City Council Gives Formal Approval For Windsor Craft Beer Festival

Windsor Craft Beer Festival


Windsor City Council tonight gave approval for a road closure for the Windsor Craft Beer Festival, which will take place October 18-19, 2013. What does this mean? Well, it means that ticket sales will start by the end of June!

To give you more info on the festival:

Local and craft brewers from across the province will participate in a festival that will celebrate a much loved libation. Rather than holding the event in a plaza, we are opting for a good ol’ fashion neighbourhood party.

The Windsor Craft Beer Festival is hosted by WindsorEats and will take place across the street from the recently opened Walkerville Brewery at the intersection of Argyle Rd. and Wyandotte St. E. The event is about local culture, the resurgence of Walkerville Brewery and the burgeoning craft beer movement happening across the province. There will be entertainment, craft beers from across the province, local eats and throughout the day we’ll have an ode to the brew. It’s going to be awesome!

While Hiram Walker is famous for distilling whiskey, many don’t know he also brewed beer from 1885-1956. Walker purchased the most modern brewing equipment of the day and shipped hops from the U.S. and his own farms in Essex County. Rich in history and character, there is no better neighbourhood than Old Walkerville to have a beer festival.

The event will use the history of Walkerville and its role in brewing to help in developing a festival that will be a uniquely Walkervillian experience. We want a celebratory atmosphere, a sense of camaraderie among participants. It will be a lively event with character.

Windsor Craft Beer Festival will add to the region’s festivals and add to establishing Windsor-Essex as a culinary destination and add to the vibrancy of an already great neighbourhood. Did we mention there’s beer?

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