WindsorEats Is Proud To Sponsor Windsor's First Tweed Run on October 7, 2012

Windsor's Inaugural Tweed Run

Join WindsorEats on the first ever Windsor Tweed Run: the most stylish group bicycle ride through the city you will ever experience.

If you’ve never taken part in a Tweed Run before, here’s the hook: Cyclists are encourage to dress in traditional British cycling attire, particularly tweed.

Any bicycle is acceptable, but vintage bicycles are encouraged. Some effort to recreate the spirit of a bygone era is always appreciated.

We’ll be meeting at Noon on Sunday, October 7, 2012 at the Jubilee Parkette (Wyandotte St. E. and Kildare) where our friends at Thyme To Go will be selling scones, tea and a few other goodies for those looking for a snack before hitting the rode. After we meet we will continue the rest of the afternoon cycling, possibly having some pints and eating throughout the city.

The best part is that this is a free event to participate in, but refreshments and meals are to be purchased by Tweed Run riders.

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