Free Film Screening: The Garden

If you haven’t seen the absolutely fantastic documentary “The Garden”, now is your chance!  Fed Up Windsor Community Gardening Network is hosting their annual Film Screening on Sunday, August 22 at the Windsor Workers Action Centre, 328 Pelissier and they are showing this Academy Award winning documentary. 

WindsorEats will be facilitating a discussion after the screening. 

This movie had me in tears by the end.  It was outstanding.  Rather than having me tell you what it’s about, here is an excerpt about the movie from their website:

The fourteen-acre community garden at 41st and Alameda in South Central Los Angeles is the largest of its kind in the United States. Started as a form of healing after the devastating L.A. riots in 1992, the South Central Farmers have since created a miracle in one of the country’s most blighted neighborhoods. Growing their own food. Feeding their families. Creating a community.

But now, bulldozers are poised to level their 14-acre oasis.

The Garden follows the plight of the farmers, from the tilled soil of this urban farm to the polished marble of City Hall. Mostly immigrants from Latin America, from countries where they feared for their lives if they were to speak out, we watch them organize, fight back, and demand answers:

Why was the land sold to a wealthy developer for millions less than fair-market value? Why was the transaction done in a closed-door session of the LA City Council? Why has it never been made public?

And the powers-that-be have the same response: “The garden is wonderful, but there is nothing more we can do.”

If everyone told you nothing more could be done, would you give up?

The film screening is part of the 3rd Annual FedUp Garden Bike Tour / Film Screening August 21-22, 2010.

The Garden Bike Tour starts at 2pm at the Citizen Environment Alliance (1950 Ottawa St.) and is followed by a potluck at 7pm at Windsor Worker’s Action Center ( 328 Pelissier St. ).  Everyone is invited to bring a dish and share with friends.

On Sunday, August 22nd they will be hosting a series of Garden Workshops at the Windsor Workers Action Center:

Vermicomposting at 2pm
Hands on instruction on  how to raise composting worms, collect valuable worm castings and reduce hosehold waste.  Red wiggler composting worms available with a min $5 donation.

Seeds Workshop at 3:30pm:
Learn how to save and store seeds from your garden.  Featuring the tomato!

Food and Anarchy at 5pm:
A presentation on radical food politics and ecology.  Instructions on how to start a community garden with no money.  Share the experiences and insights from the Windsor Guerrilla Gardening Collective.

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