Weekend Wrap Up: Bike Trains, Picnics and Wine Trail Rides

It has been quite a week.  Adriano and I spent a jam packed weekend with the folks from the Bike Train and had an awesome time.   Overall we think it was a great success and we’re hopeful that this wonderful initiative becomes a permanent fixture in Essex County.

If you missed out on all the great events, don’t worry!  I’ll recap for you!

The Bike Train participants rolled into town on Thursday night to a little bit of fanfare.  Adriano was invited to go up to Toronto so he could take the train down with all the cyclists. During the trip, he started a game of trivia featuring many Windsor-Essex history questions to give the guests an idea of what was in store for them when they arrived. Even non-Bike Train riders on the train joined in on the fun. Each correct answer was met with a prize thrown their way. We even gave away some of WindsorEats’ new tshirts which will be available soon in our online shop and at our space with Slice of Style on Pelissier in Downtown Windsor. Look at it being shown off by a proud winner below:

Tourism Windsor-Essex was on hand to greet them with a giant sized Mountie and some music as the train rolled in.  Kari from Bike Friendly Windsor and Owen from Windsorite.ca were on hand as well, taking pictures as the first Bike Train participants stepped onto terra firma.

On Friday morning we all headed to Windsor Inn on the River for a pancake breakfast and the official launch of the Bike Train in Essex County.  The pancakes were awesome.  I drenched mine in maple syrup and devoured three of them in what must have been record time.

Once loaded up on pancakes the group saddled up and with Chris Carvallo, our Wine Trail Ride guide, and local police in the lead, they were off towards the head of the Canada Greenway Trail where they started an 80km ride to Leamington.

On Friday evening, WindsorEats hosted Picnic at the Point at Point Pelee National Park.  It was such a great event.  The staff must have alerted the wildlife because throughout the night we were greeted by wild turkeys, rabbits, raccoons and deer.  It was like a scene from Lorne Greene’s New Wilderness (…I think I may have just dated myself here).

Our Wine Trail Ride took place on Saturday in what was some pretty extreme heat. We started at Colchester Ridge Estate Winery, headed over to Sprucewood Shores Estate Winery, next to Tredki Acres farm and then back to CREW for a meal created by new WindsorEats member, County Connect, made entirely from Essex County meats and produce.

Overall, I think the weekend was a great success and I am really proud of how it all turned out.  Adriano and I envision the Bike Train becoming a catalyst for change in our community.  With it’s success we can push for better cycling infrastructure, that not only benefits those visiting, but those of us within the community.  Imagine our city and county connected by a trail system enables us to cycle to different towns, from winery to winery.

While we only have two weekends this year, we hope to have every weekend next year.  Our goal is to have this project grow and develop into something that helps our region.

The Bike Train is back in town on July 29 – August 2, 2010.  We encourage you to come out and show your support!  WindsorEats will be hosting another Picnic at the Point on Saturday, July 31, 2010 and we invite you to join us!  Tickets are only $30 and can be purchased in the WindsorEats shop.

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